Specific techniques for implementing motion or movement analysis include electromyography, background segmentation and differential equation models. Motion analysis software can help organizations implement aspects of motion analysis with minimal effort. Once connected to motion capture devices, the software can visually display object tracking information for further examination and manipulation.
How motion analysis works
The basic function of motion analysis is to compare two or more consecutive images captured by sensors or cameras to return information on the apparent motion in the images. This is usually done by programming the recording device to produce binary images based on movement. All of the image points, or pixels, that correspond with motion are set to a value of 1 while stationary pixels are set to 0. The resulting image can be processed even further to remove noise, label objects and group neighboring values of 1 into a singular object. The data produced by motion analysis tools often correlates to a specific image at a specific point in time based on its position in the sequence. Therefore, the motion capture data is time-dependent, which is a crucial component in most tracking applications